2019 Horoscopes: Year in Review

Your 2019 Horoscopes from The White Unicorn


Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)


 Oh, Aqua girl. You sure are busy, aren’t you? Uranus, your ruling planet, is the planet of change. Things are always moving in your life. They may not necessarily be moving forward all the time, but that’s the goal, isn’t it? 2019 will be full of surprises and opportunities to change the world.Uranus has been In Taurus since May of 2018, and will be retrograde as we enter 2019. Uranus in Taurus affects everyone, but especially you. It signifies a more global discussion on planet Earth, conservation, and recycling your damn trash so that we can save the world.  As an Aquarius girl, you are more in tune with the big-picture issues. You might not be on a global warming kick, but you sure find yourself being the more “responsible” of your friends. Even if they don’t see it, you know more about what’s going on than any of them. I see you, girl!On January 6th, Uranus goes direct and you’re feeling a big spring forward after a sleepy holiday break. You’re ready to go. You have big plans and now is the time to act. You’ll be getting especially busy leading up to your birthday season, and then it’s really on. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th—Happy birthday, water-bearer! This is the time of year when you really shine. Literally, your hair is shinier, you’re the center of attention, you’re killing it at work, and everyone wants to be around you. If you have any big plans that involve networking, birthday season is always a time to get it done. Mercury joins the sun on January 24th, meaning you will have an extra jolt in your social life. People around you are finally speaking your language. They will be totally down for your suggestions and ideas. However, watch out for some extra Aquarian criticism to be headed your way. You know you can be critical and kind of a bitch sometimes, right?In March, Venus enters your sign. Birthday season might be over, but this transit is going to bring you another extra boost. This time, it’s your sex appeal. It’s time to get kinky, girl! You are going to be ridiculously desirable, possibly a little hornier, and everyone around you is going to notice. Your partner won’t be able to keep his/her hands off you! Venus not only brings extra love and beauty in your life, but also the money. If you are still trying to catch up from holiday spending, March is going to bring a great opportunity to make sales, start a new venture, or even ask or a raise. Let’s get that bread!In August, Uranus goes retrograde again. This is going to be the perfect time to slow down after a busy summer of events and traveling. During this retrograde, you will feel your energy calming down, and you will want to do more planning for the future. What do you want to do this fall? If you are in school, you might be looking at your class schedule. Or maybe you have projects at work you would like to take on.  August 15thbrings a Full Moon into your sign, giving you a little test. You have these big plans, so what are you going to do about them? You can bounce some ideas off a friend or your partner and see how they come across. If you notice that you’re offending them or being too aggressive, you still have time to check yourself.Your year doesn’t end quietly, Aqua girl. Venus enters your sign (again!) on December 20th. Just in time for Christmas, your skin is glowing. Your special someone is going to be kissing your neck while you’re trying to wrap last-minute presents. Hell, you might be so busy in the bedroom that you skip the holidays altogether! 

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)


 Sweet, Pisces. We would all love you if we actually knew you, don’t you think? There’s just so much going on in that head of yours, we might not be able to handle it. Although you are considered one of the softest signs of the Zodiac, I know that you’re actually the strongest. Here’s to you, Pisces girl! Welcome to 2019. It’s going to be a doozy.Your birthday season is going to come extra early this year, when Mercury enters your sign on February 10th. You will be feeling very, well, you. Mercury rules communication, and your words and idea will come across a little more dreamy and lofty than usual. This is an excellent time for creating art—writing, painting, drawing. Yes, your Instagram feed totally counts as art. Express yourself!The Sun follows Mercury into your sign on the 18thand officially begins your birthday season. This is a time where you can really shine. Things are going your way, and with the Pisces energy seeping into all of us, the world seems to understand you a little bit more. Isn’t that nice? Not that they could ever come close to figuring out what’s exactly in your head, but still. They’re trying right now, and that’s good enough for you. You will want to watch out for some of your more negative traits coming out in others, though. You know, like canceling dates? Your friends might not be as reliable during your birthday season, but just remember—you’re like this all the time. Give them a break, will you?March 6thmarks a New Moon in your sign, and you might really feel like staying in. Get a cozy blanket, some fuzzy socks, a cup of rosé, and brood a bit. You’ve been busy—so you earned it. Take this time to think about where you want to go next. Is there a special someone you’ve been too shy to talk to? A new craft on Pinterest you want to try? Somewhere you’d like to travel? You’re not much of the traveling type, but you can dream, right? Use this New Moon to try to talk yourself out of your shell a bit. When you get comfortable with an idea for long enough, the action part isn’t so scary.You get some extra sexy superpowers at the end of March, when Venus enters your sign on the 26th. You’re going to want to spend extra time with your lover—looking at the stars, lying in bed half of the day, marathon sex, that kind of thing. Pisces sex is like no other, but you knew that, didn’t you? Your partner is going to be deep in it with you during this Venus transit, and you’ll be feeling a lot closer. For singles, now is a time for reaching out and communicating with someone. Step out of your shell. You are super-sexy right now—basically, your shit don’t stink. Use this to your advantage and make some strides in starting a new relationship. If you want one, that is.Summer of 2019 is a busy one for your ruling planet, Neptune. The planet of dreams and illusions goes retrograde on June 21stduring the summer equinox. What does this retrograde mean? You will lose. your. shit. Not really. I mean, have you got any shit left to lose? You will, though, have to let go of some illusions. Maybe you’ve been telling yourself that your eyeliner is flawless, or that your roommate doesn’t have a problem with you, or that everyone wants to see pictures of your cat. You’re going to have to let something go during this retrograde. There’s a lie you’ve been telling yourself, and you need to figure out what it is. To move forward, you must be free of illusions. Or at least, have a little less of them.A Full Moon in your sign comes along on September 14thand gives you an opportunity to use some of the cleansing of the retrograde for good. What did you learn? What are you going to do next? Maybe you want to step out of your shell and talk to your partner about what’s been bothering you. Maybe you need to cut ties with an old lover you have been holding onto for years. Even if the relationship is just in your head. The Full Moon brings you power to let go and move on. Use it, Pisces!2019 will end on a positive note, as your ruling planet, Neptune goes direct again right after Thanksgiving. You will feel relief from all the self-questioning, self-doubt, and possibly depression that you’ve felt since summertime. You will feel a little clearer as you end the year. At least, as clear as a Pisces can be. 

Aries (March 21 – April 20)


 Aries, you are on fire. First off, let me just say that Mars, your ruling planet, has no retrogrades this year. Holla! You can focus on moving forward and blazing the trail ahead, rather than sitting back and wondering where you should go. You don’t like to hold still. You like to do stuff, right? Well, this is going to be your year.You start off the year with Mars in your sign—hell yes. Before New Year’s Eve, Mars had been in Pisces and we were so over it. Floating around with no direction, shrugging our shoulders when someone asked us what we wanted for Christmas. That’s so not us. But don’t worry, we are free. 2019 starts with a fresh and explosive Mars in Aries transit, giving us energy, direction, and purpose. If you want it, you’re going to go and get it. That’s the Aries we love and know.This burst forward slows down on Valentine’s Day when Mars enters Taurus. If you think about it, that’s actually perfect timing. You have the Aries-driven sass and spunk to find a new partner, or get your old one all wound up (in a good way), and then right there at your Valentine’s Day dinner, you have Taurus energy to keep you grounded. You’ll be softer and more careful when making a long-term decision, and you will be able to think of ways to keep this spark going regardless of where Mars goes next.Mars is a mover. Being so close to Earth, it cycles through planet after planet. So you, Aries, get to share a lot of energies with others throughout the year. That’s why you’re so forward-thinking (and moving). You are always onto the next thing. That’s why Aries women can be some of the dirtiest; you try one sex move or sex toy, and now you’re onto the next. Always forward, Aries!Things take a darker turn on February 18, however, when Chiron enters Aries. Chiron represents pain, weakness, and injury. With it entering your sign, you might have old traumas coming to the surface that you might have to deal with. You’re headstrong and smart—you’ve got this.The Sun enters your sign on March 20 and it’s your time to shine. Birthday season is the best, isn’t it? Your hair is shinier, your eyeliner goes on perfectly, communication is easy and successful, and the sex seems to be incredible every single time. Life is good. This birthday season is going to be especially busy for you. In fact, it’s the most action you’ll have all year. Not only will the Sun be in your sign, but both Mercury and Venus will be coming to you, too! The New Moon in your sign on April 5 will encourage you to launch new projects or start new friendships that are perfectly in line with your way of life. Mercury enters Aries on April 17th, so everyone around you will seem to be speaking your language. It’s almost as if you have finally gotten them to see your point of view! It won’t last long, but it will still be nice, right? Finally, on 4/20 (hey, hey!) Venus enters your sign. You and your partner will be super in-sync in the bedroom, and they’ll be just as excited as you are to take things a step further or heat it up a notch. Happy birthday!Summertime will be business as usual, full-speed-ahead other than a Venus transit in Cancer on the 4thof July. You’ll find yourself slowing down to appreciate the simpler things in life. Perhaps you’ll skip out on the big party and stay home with your boo, or find a quiet place to watch the fireworks. If you decide to pass on the festivities altogether, that’s okay, too. There are plenty of fireworks in the bedroom, after all.October brings a Full Moon in your sign, which might bring some of your . . . less sexy qualities to light. Watch out for hot-headedness, impulsivity, etc. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Be careful! This combination under the Scorpio Sun can be especially problematic. Watch your tone when you’re talking to your partner—and keep an eye on that resting bitch face, too.The year comes to a close with a New Moon (and solar eclipse!) right after Christmas. New Moons ask for us to slow down and reflect on where we want to go next. Since this New Moon is in Capricorn, it’s a perfect time to make careful plans for 2020. With the elections coming up, we are going to need all the critical thinking we can handle. Buckle up! 

Taurus (April 21-May 21)


 We can always count on you, Taurus. While many may think that Gemini or Libra are the most contradictory signs of the Zodiac, my vote goes to you. An Earth sign, you are reliable and practical, but you’re also sexual as hell. That’s ultimate wifey material right there. With Venus as your ruler, you are filled to the top with natural beauty, sex appeal, and your Instagram feed is to die for. So what’s in store for you in 2019? A lot.Venus, your ruling planet, is a busy one. She moves signs just about every month—you would think that you would be all over the place, but you’re not. As a Taurus, you stay cool, and you have your shit together. Venus follows the Sun pretty closely in its orbit through the signs, which helps you stay current and grounded. You’re not easily phased.Your ruling planet, the planet of love, enters Sagittarius on January 7th. So you’ll start off your year feeling optimistic and open-minded. Is there any better way to kick off the New Year? You’ll be energized and willing to meet new people, make new friends (or lovers), and try new things in the bedroom. This playful energy will transition into something more serious and career-oriented come February. Taurus enters your sign right on Valentine’s Day, so you’ll be really feeling yourself. You’ll want to take extra time on that makeup, dress a little (or a lot) sexy for that special someone. You’re going to blow their minds.After a rebellious little stint in Aquarius during most of March, your ruling planet moves into sleepy, dreamy Pisces. You’re going to feel things slow down, but in a good way. Late March through mid-to-late April will be an excellent time for artistic pursuits. If you enjoy writing, painting, or hell, even spending extra time finding the perfect filter for your Insta photos—this will be a great time for it.When 4/20 comes along (heyy!) your sweet Venus will move into Aries. The slow Pisces energy will be kicked to the dust as you feel the fire under your feet. Aries wants us to move forward—fast. This is a great time to get things done, start new projects, ask for promotions, hit on that hot guy/girl you’ve been eyeing for months. It’s springtime and day-drinking is a thing again, so go out and flaunt your stuff. Be social. This is a time for action. May 4th brings you a New Moon in your sign, Taurus. A New Moon represents a time to reflect—a time to sit back and think about what to do next. With this New Moon in your sign, along with Mercury on the 6th, this is the perfect opportunity to let your natural instincts guide your thought process. Think about what you want to achieve before summertime hits, or even what your summer goals are. Beach bod? Bigger social calendar? Better diet? Pick something that you want to do just for you, and no one else. When the Full Moon in Scorpio comes on May 18, you’ll be ready to take some serious—and powerful—action.The rest of your year is pretty quiet—just like you like it. Did you notice that there are no Venus retrogrades this year? In 2018, Venus went retrograde from October through November, and things were kind of a mess. Particularly with you, since Venus rules your sign. 2018’s Venus retrograde in Scorpio seriously tested our relationships. There were fights, jabs, cold wars, even breakups. Venus has a pretty sweet transit this year and it’s all smooth sailing. Cheers to that?You’ll close the year with a special month in November, when a Full Moon enters your sign on the 12th. With a Taurus Full Moon during Scorpio season, we will feel a nice break from some of the more intense energies that will be feeling. “Intense” is so not your forte, so you will feel especially grateful for that break. 

Gemini (May 22-June 21)


 Oh, Gemini—you crazy bitch. You sure are going to be busy this year. But aren’t you always? We start off 2019 with your ruling planet, Mercury, moving into Capricorn. Usually, this is a total snooze-fest, but you always know just how to make things interesting.  You’ll start off your year being a little more careful and smart about the way you communicate with people. You are thinking before you speak—isn’t that nice? No drunk texts to your ex and no telling your friend that she does look ugly in that dress (okay, well maybe you’ll find a nicer way to say it). Overall, there will be a lot less word vomit to start off the year.This extra tact and wisdom won’t last long, though, and you’ll be back to your old tricks. As a Gemini, your words are your greatest (and sexiest) accessory. You almost always know just what to say, but not how much to say. At the end of January through the beginning of March, your ruling planet will be all up in those water signs. And you might be all up in some trouble, if you’re not careful. From January 24thto April 17th, Mercury will be floating around in Aquarius and Pisces—and it’s going to be wet. You’ll be more spontaneous, quirky, and out there. You’ll be the first one to message back on Tinder. You will literally give zero shits. Why not get what you want, right? Live it up, girl!Did I mention that Mercury has 3 retrogrades this year? Yikes. When you almost think you need a break from your energetic and impulsive, yet creative—energies, Mercury decides it wants to stay in Pisces a little longer. So you’re going to be doing the most this spring. Brunches, parties, traveling, meeting new people—your social calendar is going to be booked up. You might want to set your phone to vibrate, if it’s not already there.You’ll finally catch a break on May 6 and find some time to slow the hell down. Your Cinco-de-Drinko hangover might feel especially heavy, but don’t worry—it’s just Taurus. Mercury enters this earth sign and your world will feel like it has completely stopped spinning. When you’re done feeling dizzy, you’ll realize that this is a good thing. Taurus can give us some nice, grounding energy to get back in touch with some of the slower things in life. You might want to focus on some self-care, get a nice pedicure, or hey, maybe even do some laundry. This is a good time to think about all of the people you’ve met and decide who should stay and who should go. Clean out your inbox, lighten the load.You’ll be taking it easy until the end of May when Mercury enters your sign. Mercury in Gemini? This is your moment. When your planet and your sign come together, you are on top of the damn world. Your hair is shinier, your eyeliner looks perfect, your selfies are flawless, and your shit don’t stink. You will be speaking with ease to anyone you come into contact with. You’re sexy, confident, and super-fine. Happy Birthday, Gemini!The rest of your summer is going to be pretty wonky. Your ruling planet enters Cancer on June 4, which means you’re going to be feeling pretty emotional. Rather than thinking before you speak or thinking about what someone else is saying, you’re going to be feeling your way through your conversations. It’s all about body language. Why aren’t you looking me in the eye? What was that face you just made?  You’ll be picking up on subtle clues this summer—and nailing it. Nothing gets past a Gemini.Mercury makes another move and enters Leo before hitting another retrograde and sending us back to Cancer, and then goes direct and sends us back into Leo. Did that make you dizzy? Just wait until summertime. You’ll toggle back and forth between being cautious and overly sensitive to being brash and fearless. Summertime needs a little of both, though, right? Who says you can’t nap by the pool and find a raging yacht party in the same week? Besides, Venus is in your sign this summer, boosting the shit out of your sex appeal. You may be moody right now, but it’s unlikely that anyone is going to care.The fall season will be mild, even for you, Gemini. With Mercury transiting careful Libra and picky Virgo, you won’t be causing too much of a scene. Labor Day weekend might end up being a drag, with virgin Virgo energies surrounding Mercury. Virgo in Mercury causes us to be careful, almost to the point of being prude—yuck! Knowing you, though, Gem, that may just have you bring it down a notch or two. No random hookups after a day out on the lake—sorry!Mercury goes Retrograde on Halloween night, so be careful and try to keep an eye on that mouth of yours at any Halloween parties. Yes, that costume might be basic AF, but you don’t need to say it out loud.Your ruling planet goes direct again right before Thanksgiving—thank God. We need all the help we can get when family time comes around.2019 comes to a close with a Full Moon in your sign on Dec 12, which means your Gemini self will be in full swing right before the holidays. You might be planning parties, getting down and dirty with details, planning surprise (and maybe naughty) gifts for your sweetheart. Buying kinky lingerie for yourself is basically a gift to them, right? 

Cancer (June 22-July 23)


 You’re a sweetheart, Cancer. A big softy, too. With the moon ruling your sign, your emotions and intentions change almost daily. While this may make you seem weak to other signs, I know the truth—you are a badass. You handle your changing energies with grace (mostly) and are stronger for having more internal experiences than any other sign. No one else could handle the battles you face every day.Hell, if I had to give you a full overview of what your year would look like, it would be 11 pages long and in downloadable PDF format. The moon, your ruler, travels a lot. And you go right along with her when she does. So let’s talk about the major highlights of the year, shall we?We end 2018 and kick off 2019 under a waning Scorpio moon. Another water sign, this can be cause for trouble for you, Cancer. It’s easy to get emotional or be sensitive—even feel the urge for revenge under this moon. If you’re at a New Year’s party, try to avoid chatting with someone you don’t actually like—it might be hard to watch your tongue. But if I know you, Cancer, and you are cozied up on the couch with a soft blanket and fuzzy socks, clutching your glass of rosé, you’ll have nothing to be worried about. Feel free to sit back, relax, and get a little sentimental about 2018. You have a lot to look forward to this year!On January 5th, we have a New Moon in Capricorn. No big deal for you, the moon is always doing something, right? What makes this one special is the solar eclipse that goes along with it. This solar eclipse, in particular, makes for the perfect time to start a new project, a new business, or a new relationship. Have you been looking at picking up photography or photo editing to enhance your Instagram feed? Wanting to try a craft on Pinterest? Start a new exercise program? Buy a kinky new toy? Think back to the New Year’s resolutions you made just a few days before the eclipse, and really start taking steps to bring them to life.On the 21stof January, a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo are going to hit you—hard. This eclipse is opposite Mercury, which can signal something big, and not necessarily good, is going to happen. Keep an eye out around this time for anything that might pull you away from your goals, give you anxiety, or just plain suck. Guard yourself now more than ever, little crab.Mars enters your sign on May 15th, which is going to give you some much-needed power after a few setbacks in the spring. When Mars is in the building, you are on top of your shit. You’re feeling lucky, everything you try just seems to work; you have flow. Go shopping, get a pedi, wear something sexy underneath those clothes, work it.Cancer season is going to have a lot going on for you, at least star-wise. You might be in your routine, getting things done, living it up, and not even notice all of the activity. What you will notice, though, is everything is going smoothly. Birthday season always goes this way, and 2019 is no different.  Right before your b-day season, Mercury enters your sign. Everyone around you is going to seem a little less bothered by your feeling/emotional way of thinking—they’re going to be feeling it, too! Your interactions are going to be, well, interesting. As you know, being emotional doesn’t always mean soft and sweet. Look out for others being a little more like you around this time. If anyone is going to understand, it’s you. Since this Mercury transit is already in retrograde, it will stay with you a little longer than usual, not moving on until mid-August.Venus enters your sign on July 3rdand you are just glowing, my friend. Is that a real tan? You’ll spend your 4threveling in attention from your lover or would-be lover, because everything you touch turns to gold. Like, could you be any sexier? Probably not.The rest of the year slows down for you, but isn’t that just the way you like it? September brings a Full Moon in Pisces, a fellow water sign, and you’ll have a chance to start a new artistic endeavor or find another way to reconnect with yourself.The year comes to a close with a New Moon (and solar eclipse!) right after Christmas. New Moons ask for us to slow down and reflect on where we want to go next. Since this New Moon is in Capricorn, it’s a perfect time to make careful plans for 2020. Hold onto your wine glass—it’s going to be a big one. 

Leo (July 24-August 23)


 Hey, hot stuff. You are almost literally on fire in 2019. But aren’t you always? You start off the year at the center of attention, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. The first Full Moon of 2019 goes to—you guessed it—you. And it’s not just any Full Moon. Leos are far from basic. When you do something, you do it all the way. This January 21st Full Moon happens to be a total lunar eclipse and one of the biggest events in 2019—and it’s not necessarily a good one. Be on the lookout for some big news or an unexpected event to come into your life. If I know you, you’ll be ready for whatever life throws at you.Summertime is going to be a busy one for you, as usual. June 26thbrings Mercury into your sign, so you’re going to be feeling flashy as hell. You might be posting a ton on social media, hitting up more parties than usual, going on dates, brunching with friends—and totally killing it. Your flair and sass will be in peak form and everyone will be loving you for it. What more could you want? Mars also joins Mercury in your sign on July 1st, bringing you luck and vision in whatever you decide to accomplish. Want to win someone’s heart? It’s yours. Want that new job? Done. I said you’d be on fire, didn’t I?Venus joins in on July 27th, making you the most-desired person of summer 2019. Others are also feeling the Leo Venus energies and are coming out of their own shells to be a little more talkative and a little more fierce. Ideally, you’d love that. You wish everyone had the energy that you had, and could get excited with you about the little things. However, you know you have a jealous streak that you may need to keep in check. If you think someone else is trying to outshine you, stop and think for a second: there’s no way in hell. Let them try, let them do their thing. In the end, you are still Queen, Leo. Always and forever.A New Moon in your sign on July 31st brings you a special chance to use your powers for good. You’ll want to use this time to perfect your voice. Not how much you speak, so much as who you communicate with and what you say. What message do you want to bring the world? What do you want your words to say about you? Who do you want to listen? Your power of expression is a superpower, Leo, and no one else can even come close to it. How do you want to use this power of yours?Mercury returns to your sign on August 11th—again. You might have been too busy celebrating the first week of summer to even notice, really. So think now, as these later days of summer come over you, about how you want to use this energy. People are hearing you. They are listening. This is the perfect chance to put into action any plans you made during the New Moon at the end of July.The year comes to a close with a New Moon (and solar eclipse!) right after Christmas. New Moons ask for us to slow down and reflect on where we want to go next. Since this New Moon is in Capricorn, it’s a perfect time to make careful plans for 2020. You’ve found a lot of power in yourself in 2019—will you use it or lose it? 

Virgo (August 24-September 23)


 Hey, my little perfectionist. Planning ahead for the New Year are we? We thought so. I’ll keep it short on the formalities, because I know you have stuff to do:We start off 2019 with your ruling planet, Mercury, moving into Capricorn. Usually a total snooze-fest for other signs, this is right up your alley. The Capricorn energies have you feeling careful, industrious, and smart about the way you communicate with others. It’s how things should be, right?The peace and quiet won’t last long, though, as the next two Mercury transits are Water signs. It’s not that you don’t get along with Water signs—you love everyone. But they can be a little messy. You don’t do messy. Since we will all be under this influence, you might find yourself cleaning up after people around you, holding your friend’s hair as their perched over the toilet bowl, and playing “Mom” at parties as those around you go a little too far on the turn-up. Hey, it happens. It’s not like you haven’t been here before. Luckily, this transit will lighten you up a bit and you’ll find yourself having some fun in-between damage-control sessions.Oh, and your ruler, Mercury? 3 retrogrades this year. Sorry. When you almost think the Aquarian and Piscean energies of the transit are behind you, Mercury tells you she’s not finished. So you end up with a few more weeks of Pisces. Yay!You’ll finally catch a break on May 6 and find some time to slow the hell down. Your Cinco-de-Drinko hangover might feel especially heavy, but don’t worry—it’s just Taurus. Mercury enters this earth sign and your world will feel like it has completely stopped spinning. You love it. You will be able to just feel the slow coming over you. You can finally get some stuff done! The nice, grounding energy of Taurus will give you a chance to get back in touch with yourself. Focus on self-care—or work, which is basically self-care to you.You’ll be taking it easy until the end of May when Mercury enters Gemini. Things will spice back up again, and not in a terrible way. You’ll be feeling chattier, more curious about things. You might want to learn something new. You’ll do it carefully, of course, and not without serious consideration. But a new hobby, new friend, new anything will be good for you.Your ruling planet enters Cancer on June 4, which means you’re going to be feeling pretty soft. Not a problem. You might lean towards staying home and working on projects rather than going out. Some of these Cancer energies may also have you feeling a little emotional. Watch your words during this time. It’s not that you don’t use the right words or that you aren’t 100% right all the time (you totally are), but those around you who aren’t as logical as you might not take what you are saying in the right way. That’s obviously on them, but you’re not one to stir the pot or make anyone angry. Drama is not your cup of tea. So why risk it? Just watch out for that resting bitch face of yours, okay?The month of August, is going to be big for you, right up through Virgo season. Mars enters your sign on the 18th, giving you a huge boost of power. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to help? Maybe you have a single friend who needs someone like you (with taste) to set her up? Or maybe another friend who just completely sucks at applying her eyeliner? This is a good time for a new project, whether it’s helping someone you know or helping yourself get a little closer to perfection.Venus enters your sign just 3 days later on the 21st, giving you a big boost in sex appeal. Hey, girl. The way you use storage bins to organize your house is sexy. Yeah, you get that a lot. Both Venus and Mars have taken root in your sign right before your birthday season—and then it’s totally on. Virgo season begins on the 23rdand you are feeling on top of the world. Everything is going right, everything seems to be “in order.” What more could you ask for? How about a Mercury transit? Boom—you get a Mercury transit on the 29th. Granted, this transit is in retrograde, so you’re getting damaged goods. But hey, you’ll take what you can get. Any chance to reflect on how you can be more perfect is something you will happily accept.2019 slows down and comes to a peaceful close. Right before Thanksgiving, your ruling planet goes direct again right before Thanksgiving—thank God. Even you, lover of all, need all the help you can get when it comes to family time. You’ll need to know when to help someone (or say something) and when to let it go. Mercury Direct has got your back ;) 

Libra (September 24 – October 23)


 Has anyone told you recently that you are a total flirt? Because you are. It doesn’t matter what the gender, age, or even if you’re attracted to them or not. You just can’t help it. It’s how you communicate. With Venus, the planet of love, as your ruling sign, do you really have much choice?Venus is a busy chick in 2019, just like she is every year. She moves signs just about every month—you would think that you would be all over the place, but you’re not. At least you try not to be. Balance is your shit, and you know when something isn’t quite right in your life. Since Venus follows the Sun pretty closely in its orbit through the signs, she helps you stay current and grounded.Your ruling planet enters Sagittarius on January 7th. So you’ll start off your year feeling optimistic and open-minded. Is there any better way to kick off the New Year? You’ll be energized and willing to meet new people, make new friends (or lovers), and try new things in the bedroom. This playful energy will transition into something more serious and career-oriented come February. Taurus enters your sign right on Valentine’s Day, so you’ll be really feeling yourself. You’ll want to take extra time on that makeup, dress a little (or a lot) sexy for that special someone. You’re going to blow their minds.After a rebellious little stint in Aquarius during most of March, your ruling planet moves into sleepy, dreamy Pisces. You’re going to feel things slow down, but in a good way. March 20thbrings a Full Moon into your sign, and it’s going to want you to stop and think. This is definitely your wheelhouse. Even though you may be craving more action, you know that thinking and analyzing your situations will give you better results in the future. This is a great time to plan for some artistic endeavors, maybe something you came up with during the Pisces transit. You have even another Full Libra Moon next month on April 19th, so you’re going to be getting a lot done.When 4/20 comes along (heyy!) your sweet Venus will move into Aries. The slow Pisces energy will be kicked to the dust as you feel fire under your feet. Aries wants us to move forward—fast. This is a great time to get things done, start new projects, ask for promotions, hit on that hot guy/girl you’ve been eyeing for months. It’s springtime and day-drinking is a thing again, so go out and flaunt your stuff. Be social. This is a time for action. May 4th brings a New Moon in your sister sign, Taurus. A New Moon represents a time to reflect—a time to sit back and think about what to do next. With this New Moon in Taurus, along with Mercury on the 6th, this is the perfect opportunity to let your natural instincts guide your thought process. Think about what you want to achieve before summertime hits, or even what your summer goals are. Beach bod? Bigger social calendar? Better diet? Pick something that you want to do just for you, and no one else. When the Full Moon in Scorpio comes on May 18, you’ll be ready to take some serious—and powerful—action.The fall season brings two major transits into your sign. On September 14th, Mercury and Venus both enter your sign. This brings you a boost in sexy and a way with words. You’re already a badass when it comes to flirting or talking with just about anyone you meet—you know just what to say, every time. This transit will enhance that even more, making it the perfect time to convince your boss for a raise, apply for a new job, or seduce your object of interest. You are attractive as hell right now! All this happens just before Libra season, when you are the shiniest ring on the counter anyway.Mars enters your sign on Oct 4th, bringing you an extra boost in power. So to recap: you have sex appeal, perfect communication, and now you have sheer force? Who is going to stop you? Happy Birthday, Libra!Hey, did you notice that Venus doesn’t go retrograde this year? In 2018, Venus went retrograde from October through November, and things were kind of a mess. Particularly with you, since Venus rules your sign. 2018’s Venus retrograde in Scorpio seriously tested our relationships. There were fights, jabs, cold wars, even breakups. Venus has a pretty sweet transit this year and it’s all smooth sailing. Cheers to that?You’ll close the year with a special month in November, when a Full Moon enters your Taurus, your sister sign, on the 12th. With a Taurus Full Moon during Scorpio season, we will feel a nice break from some of the more intense energies that will be feeling. You’ll find balance in that, and that’s really all you ever wanted. 

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)



 You are one bad bitch, Scorpio. Literally, you are part evil but we all love you for it. You’re going to have a quiet year, at least compared to last year. There will be no Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio in 2019, which means your power can continue to build. This isn’t a year to stop and think, or reassess yourself. It’s a year for quiet, yet purposeful action. You might be plotting a total Instagram takeover with the new eyeshadow palette you got for Christmas, seeking revenge on a frenemy, or seeking to shock and capture your partner with a new sex move. You might even be planning a total world takeover, and we wouldn’t be surprised.January kicks off with a New Moon in Capricorn, which will help you keep your eyes on the prize. You’ll want to think and act a little more slowly as the year starts. What do you want out of the New Year? What are your goals, and how can you achieve them? When is the best time for world domination? By the end of the month, the Full Moon shows its face in Leo, the loud and proud center of the Zodiac. Your quiet brooding will turn into something much more public, and you might find yourself sharing some of your secrets with those around you. Scorpio? Sharing secrets? Okay, maybe just some of your secrets.Springtime brings you a great opportunity for success when Jupiter and Pluto line up. You will meet someone new and exciting—maybe a new friend who totally owns the nude lipstick trend and can teach you a few things. Maybe a new partner or lover comes into your life with sex eyes and hair you pull. Maybe you suddenly have an influx of social media followers thanks to the sultry new photos you’ve been sharing. Something happens around March 7 that brings you something new, something awesome. Watch out for it, and don’t let it slip from your fingers. As a Scorpio, you usually have no problem spotting opportunities to become more powerful. You’ve got this.At the end of April, your ruling planet goes into retrograde. You’re going to slow down, stall. Maybe the opportunity or new sex-thing that you came across back in March has backfired. Or at least, maybe it seems like it. You’re going to pull back from the world a little bit. Maybe wear your eyeliner a little darker, be a little more moody, light a candle just to watch it burn. It’s okay, you need times like these. You might feel all up in your head, but your head is an incredible place to be. It’s dark, it’s powerful. Have I used the word “powerful” enough yet? You are one hardcore chick, and I hope you know it. So this Pluto retrograde is actually going to last until October. I know, so you’re going to be brewing up something for most of the year. But I’m sure you know this feeling well enough by now, Scorpio.When Pluto does go direct again, you can do some serious celebrating because—it’s your birthday! Scorpio season is going to be a super-busy one this year. First, Pluto goes direct on Oct 3, and you will feel ready to put some of your big plans into action. On the same day, Mercury enters Scorpio. Then on Oct 8, Venus comes along. What the what? This is your jam. With both Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, everyone around you seems to understand you just a little bit more. They’re speaking your language.  You’ve wanting to try a new sex toy with your lover? They’ve already bought it. They’re totally into it. Your friends, your partner, and everyone around you is going to be a little more accessible. You usually don’t care if anyone understands you—you like being different. But this will feel like a nice change.Pluto dances with Jupiter again on Oct 17, giving you another opportunity to meet someone new, try something new, or find a new way to make some money. With this going on during your birthday season, you are sure to be unstoppable. There’s no retrograde coming, so all of the profits, memories, or orgasms, are yours to keep. It’s your birthday, bitch!Oct 31, Halloween, a Scorpio’s favorite holiday, is going to feature the third and last Mercury retrograde of the year. Does this affect everyone? Absolutely. Does a Scorpio give two shits? Probably not. Communicating isn’t really your favorite thing to do. There is no way to explain what goes on in your head, and no one is going to understand it anyway. So a Mercury retrograde? Who cares?Toward the end of November, Mars enters your sign, giving you a huge burst of power. You are driven, determined, and you have your eyes on the prize. Any prize will do—just pick one and it’s yours. Mars and Scorpio go very well together, and when something needs done, it gets done. Hey—you might even get your holiday shopping done early this year. 

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)


 Hey, wild thing! I’ve never met a Sag who wasn’t super busy—and this year will be no different. Jupiter, your ruler, entered your sign on November 8thof last year, and will be hanging around until December 2019. What does this mean? Life is in your lane. Everything you touch this year will turn to gold. Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, so expect 2019 to be full of awesomesauce. This transit affects all of us, so the world will seem to be more on your side, understanding you and feeling your energy. We will all be a little more adventurous, and you’re going to love having the extra company. However, watch out for overdoing it this year. Giving yourself limits might be a good idea. Too much of a good thing can, well, blow up in your face.Venus enters your sign on January 7th, giving you a boost in sex appeal right off the bat. Looking to try something new and kinky? Your partner will be down for it. Don’t have a partner? You are literally glowing during this transit, and with your mad flirting skills you are primed to book a keeper. Love isn’t everything, though. Venus is also the goddess of cold hard cash—so any career pursuits or schemes you have planned will do well during this time. Let’s get that bread!Your ruling planet, Jupiter, squares Neptune on January 13th, which is going to give you a moment to pause and reflect. You will be tested around this time—are your goals realistic right now? Are you doing the right thing at the right time? Take time to review your life and make any changes you see fit.April 10thbrings your trusty Jupiter into retrograde. “Retrograde” is like a four-letter word when it’s attached to Mercury, but not your Jupiter. This retrograde cycle gives you a moment to stop your current activities. Usually, you are a traveler. Sag girls love adventure, whether it’s on the next plane to Peru, out on the town, making new friends, or being adventurous between the sheets (or on the kitchen counter). This retrograde period is going to ask you to stop, or at least slowdown, to really think about what you’ve been learning and where you want to go next. This retrograde period lasts until August 11, so you can be prepared for an unusually slow summer.Jupiter squares Neptune again on June 16thand Sep 21st, key dates to make sure you are taking time to rest. June 17thbrings a Full Moon into your sign Sag! This will bring you a much-needed jolt of energy to counteract the Jupiter retrograde. You’ll be feeling a little more you around this time. More optimistic, passionate, and outgoing. This might get you into some trouble, Sag, so be careful. While a Gemini has to be sure to watch their mouth, you are the sign that needs to watch what you do. You have the tendency to act before you think. The Full Moon under your sign right before summertime is going to be especially tricky. Take a Lyft. Don’t get in the car with strangers. Don’t go on any shady Tinder dates. Don’t spend all your money on a ________. Just be careful, Sag.Venus enters your sign (again!) just a few weeks before your birthday season, on November 1st. Basically, your birthday comes early this year. And you get two Venus transits? 2019 is going to be one sexy year for Sag. By the time the Sun is in your sign on November 22ndand it’s officially birthday season for you, you are already going to be feeling like hot stuff. Ahh, birthday season—your hair is shinier, your eyeliner goes on just right, your skin is glowing. . . Everything seems to be going your way.  And why shouldn’t it? You’re the shit!A New Moon in your sign on the 26thmight bring you roadblock or some uncertainty. You might be able to question some of the events of the past year—especially if you had too much fun. Use this time to prepare for a much safer Jupiter transit coming in December.On December 2nd, Jupiter enters Capricorn, and just in time. After the year you’ve had, you’re going to want a break. This transit will last about another year, and will be a strong one for money matters, expanding your trade or business, etc. 2020 is going to be a big money year for you. After all the spending (hell, blowing) you probably did in 2019, you’re going to need it! 

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

 Hey, workaholic—you found time to read your horoscope! I’m proud of you! This year is going to be busy for you. You’re always busy, of course, but usually with long-term projects, right? 2019 has more variety and craziness then you’re probably prepared for. But you know what? Change is good, even if you don’t like it. The biggest thing you have to look forward to this year is not one or two, but three eclipses under your sign. Now if that doesn’t make you want to close this window and run back to LinkedIn, are you even a Cap?New Year’s is usually your jam. Not only is it your birthday season, but you love a fresh start. Most of all, you like the holidays behind you. Things start to make more sense, and people are less . . . jolly. January, already being a power month for you, is even more powerful with Mercury entering your sign on the 4thand a New Moon (and partial solar eclipse) in your sign on the 5th. You’ll be feeling extrayou—maybe a little more shy, a little more withdrawn, and a little more caught up in your own responsibilities. Thankfully, Mercury’s transit in your sign brings everyone else a little closer to seeing your point of view. Your normal way of communicating seems to make more sense, and the people in your life are really “clicking” with you. This is an excellent time to use your powers for good. Pick the right project, or set your sights on the right lover—and start thinking about what you should do next. This is a planning period for you. What do you want to achieve in 2019?On February 3rd, Venus enters your sign. Venus is the goddess of love—the sex planet. You might be misconstrued as a serious, business-only kind of girl, but I know the truth. You are one of the horniest signs of the Zodiac. Maybe it’s the sense of power that you feel during sex, maybe it’s the challenge, or maybe it’s the closeness you feel with your partner when you’re intimate. Capricorn is known as the “dad” of the Zodiac. You work hard, you protect, you save money, etc., but you know what? Dads need sex, too. With Venus in your sign, you’re going to be feeling the love and your sex life will take a major boost. You’re more likely to take chances when you are already in your comfort zone, so right before Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to try something kinky.Mercury goes retrograde on March 5 and stays there until the 28th. You might already struggle with communicating without sounding like an ass, so be extra careful in March. It’s not that you don’t use the right words or that you aren’t 100% right all the time (you totally are), but those around you who aren’t as logical as you might not take what you are saying in the right way. That’s obviously on them, but you’re not one to stir the pot or make anyone angry. Drama is not your cup of tea. So why risk it during a retrograde period?July brings about a Full Moon in your sign and a whole lot of Cap energy. While January’s New Moon gave us the perfect time to plan and reflect, the Full Moon is a time for action. While you might think you are an action person, you’re actually not. You prefer small, daily tasks that build up to something big in the future. Taking a big risk or getting a big project done all at once? Totally not your thing. This Full Moon night pull you out of your comfort zone a bit and ask you to do more than you wanted or planned for. But think about it—if your goal can be reached just a little bit faster, why not take the chance?You finish off 2019 with two major planetary shifts in your sign. First, Jupiter enters Capricorn on Dec. 2. This is a huge one, as Jupiter doesn’t change signs but once a year. This planet represents purpose—a big focus for any Cap woman. Where am I going? What is the goal? Why am I doing this? Jupiter’s transit impacts everyone and the energies that influence everyone’s “why” and “what.” So in December of 2019 when Jupiter enters Capricorn, we will all be feeling your hardworking, nose-to-the-grindstone, family-first mindset.  With Mercury also entering your sign the day after Christmas, it seems like everything is going your way. And with everyone acting a little more like you, isn’t the world a whole lot sweeter? 

Luna Waterstone

Luna Waterstone lives in the deep wooded wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, living off the land and using the stars for inner and outer guidance. Ruled by both Mercury and the Moon on the Gemini/Cancer cusp, she finds herself yearning for both communication and outreach, as well as the comfort and safety of her secluded home. During her free time, Luna is picking berries in the forest to make jam, arrow hunting, and of course—star gazing.


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