How to Quarantine & Chill While on Lockdown

Hey, how are you doing over there?  This past week has been explosive with fright, concern, and change for the entire world. Each day we awaken uncertain of what’s next. But, as of late we can all agree that the most efficient act of combat we have to slow down this pandemic is social distancing. Some of us have been forced by law officials to quarantine & chill in our homes. While others are taking precautions and choosing to quarantine for the well-being of themselves and their families. Either way, I am proud of us all for abiding and hopefully, this will all pass soon. 

But, unfortunately as of now all we can do is wait. While we wait there are several activities we can do to enjoy this quarantine. If you are on lockdown with a significant other I’m sure sex has been the most exciting activity so far. Sex will definitely help cope with all of this. But, there are ways to make quarantine sex more exciting, too. Even if your lover isn’t in arms reach right now I have ways to help you still feel the love and enjoy your quarantine as well. Let’s get started. 

Video Sex that You Can Feel

You’ve been listening to health and law officials and following the social distance regulations. Well, this may mean that you had to cancel that date you were looking forward to. Or even worse, cancel a trip to see your significant other. We can cancel plans, but we cannot cancel our hormones. We still have needs, right? Pick up that phone and give your distant lover a video call. While on that call you can be discreet and use the Blue Motion Nex 1 Vibrator for your panties. Let him tease you over the phone and tease yourself with all the necessary taps and touches in the right area. Maybe you’ll let him know your panties are vibrating or maybe not... have fun with this! And, if he doesn’t answer the phone, this vibrator can do the job solo. 

Date Night in Home with a Free Concert and Happy Ending

Free live music is available right now. Your favorite major artists and DJs are probably putting on a live show from their home right now. Make sure that you are checking their social media for updates. This is the first and probably only time in our lives that major entertainers have the same daily agenda as us; which is sitting at home. It may be a much larger and nicer home to be quarantined in – but let’s not sweat the small stuff. Free live music is available to us. Let’s be thankful and enjoy it. Turn it on and watch with a beer in hand and dance all night long with your partner. Imagine that you two are at that summer festival that’s been canceled. 

Of course, drinking and bumping bodies while dancing will lead to sex. But make this sex better than the last. Add a game into your foreplay. Drinking games, edible underwear, and even the Cosmo Kama Sutra Deck are great options. 

Read a Book with Benefits 

My friends and I created a book challenge. Unlike the many social media challenges you’ve seen on your timeline, we haven’t posted this challenge online. We all have to read a book on our bookshelves and give a synopsis of it in a week. The books cannot be an ordinary book, we must read a book geared towards sex. Then, we try out what we’ve learned on our partners and share our experiences in the chat. This is a way to spice up our sex life and help your friends with new ideas. I know, it’s genius and it was my idea *wink * 

Ladies, I highly suggest reading How to Be a Bad Girl In Bed. During this quarantine you’ll need new ideas quickly (probably every other hour.) This book has a ton of new tricks and ideas to keep your sex on point. How to Give a Mind Blowing Blow Job is a must too. Seriously, blow jobs can get boring quickly. Take this time to sharpen your skills and actually learn what men like. BDSM has always an interest of mine. But, I only knew a surface amount of information about it (kinky and whips.) However, there are more aspects to BDSM and techniques that everyone should know before trying it out. Reading Fifty Shades of Kink: An Intro to BDSM is necessary. Watch, after reading these books your lover will hope this quarantine never ends. And if you’re single after reading these books you won’t be for long. 

Clone Him While You’re Apart

So far, the mail is still running. So, I have an idea. If you’re restricted from seeing your lover for the next several weeks. Have him clone his dick or clone your pussy and send it to him in the mail! This is perfect, you have nothing else to do for the day. It’s also a perfect gift for you and him. Even if you’re sitting next to your significant other right now, you should make a clone of his dick and your pussy as well. It’s a fun activity that you two may never have the time to do again. You can find your clone kit for his dick right here and the kit to clone your pussy here. We have to stay prepared during these times. Now, no matter what happens he’ll never be without you.   

Relax and Re-visit Your Relationship Goals

If your 2020 is going just as you planned it would back on January 1st, who are you and what planet are you really from? I’m pretty certain none of us expected the year 2020 to turn out like this. Therefore, while we have this down time available with our significant other, we should communicate how we feel and future plans. However, to make this chat more effective do it with CBD. This talk doesn’t have to be formal. It’s just you two in your home. How about you two take a bath with CBD bath bombs and a glass of wine. You could also eat some CBD gummies. CBD will alleviate all of the tension and stress you two may be experiencing right now. The more relaxed the better the conversation and ultimately the better you’ll be during this quarantine. 

It seems as if the universe is forcing us all to slow down and appreciate the small things such as: toilet paper or being able to drop your kid off at school. So, let’s listen and appreciate everything that we still have and can look forward to daily. You may not be able to dine at your favorite restaurant right now, but you do have the resources to stay connected to your loved one and have great sex. Let’s take it day by day and remember we are in this together! 

T. Rogers

T. Rogers is a reader by day and writer by night. With over 7 years of content writing, she continues to prevail in her world of sour patch kids, expensive shoes and awkward moments that spark her courage to tell the greatest stories never told.


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