Struggling with Low Arousal

This blog is for the one’s that work 40 hours a week, the one’s that hit over time, the tired, restless, ongoing workers that can’t seem to catch a break. This one is for you.

From working and everything else that piles onto your life such as school, children, pets, and anything in between… we are capital T, TIRED.

Sometimes we don’t have time to make dinner, or run that errand, or let alone think about the thought of sex.


Let’s talk about the insecurities that come with this little dilemma. For one, there is nothing to be ashamed about when feeling like you aren’t preforming at your top notch every single time. Truth be told, we are humans who have morphed into this world of working ourselves into the ground. Think about it, we work for money, we work to pay our bills, live in our spaces, buy the things we want, and then some. It is a mindset we develop as we get older, we feel we have more to take on, more responsibilities, and we sometimes tend to lose touch with our inner focus of self care, what our body needs, and how we can nurture ourselves.

I want to dive in and share some secret tools to get you in the mood even when you feel you are too tired for an orgasm, which by the way… you are never too tired for a good O. Just like we always have room for dessert after dinner, same concept ;)

POV: You just got home from working 9 hours, you smell bad, your hair is a mess and all you want to do is shower and hit the pillow.

You may not feel in the mood at this time, but if you give yourself a minimum of 10 minutes to take out a toy and play around with it, I almost promise you every time you do it will not fail you.


Patience comes from deep deep within, sometimes we can’t seem to find just a small ounce of patience in us. However, in the bedroom patience is going to be one of our main KEYS when it comes to achieving the sexy horny mood we aim for.

With this being said, let’s go back to that toy moment. Before you leave for work that day, give your toy a good charge and leave it on your night stand for when you get back.

I like to do this because it gives me a motivation to get through my work so I can finally have a cute sesh with myself, or with my partner after a long day.

If we plant a tiny seed like this it will allow us to let it linger in our minds throughout the day. And hey! You took the first step into mentally preparing yourself! As we know, our mental states play a HUGE role when it comes to getting turned on. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to get there. You can take it up a notch and send a text to your partner and drop a hint saying, “hey, can you charge up my toy?” or, “I charged up my toy for later, can’t wait to see you.” I am sure this will have your partner excited just like you are, this also let’s them know that you are attempting to initiate a sexy night ahead of you, so… BOOM, it’s now out into the universe. This is a score for our books.

Let’s say you do the whole song and dance of even leaving a cute pair of bra and underwear out on your bed to change into later, but you came home and well, you pushed the panties off the bed… you’re tired once again, and you aren’t feeling it.


3 words. Horny. Goat. Weed. This is a natural herb that you can brew into a tea to get your emotions flowing just a little bit. Think of it as a natural booster. After consuming some tea this will also wake your body up with some caffeine. If tea is not your cup of tea, maybe you reach for a THC gummy, or a joint, or a shot, or… a sexual enhancement pill. The main point here is to wake your body up just a little bit, but also doing it the right way.

There truly is a wide variety of different resources that help kick start your horny hormones, as I like to call them.

I’ll of course leave some of my top picks from our site to help provide y’all with these options. Every person is different in the way they like to achieve orgasms, some don’t mind popping in a “sex pill'“, while others would rather get there themselves. In the end, ANYWAY YOU LIKE TO GO IS JUST THE WAY FOR YOU.


To wrap this up, no matter how you get there, it is all on you to decide and what suits you comfortably. It’s always scary exploring unknown areas and maybe you have never taken a sexual enhancement pill, or you aren’t sure how your body would react to gels and oils and lubes (oh my!)… but at least you can say you tried ;) For that, I BEST believe you will land on what makes you horny and when you do, well, get that O <3


A pleasure product guru, Miss Iris is our health and wellness outlet.

Iris is a self portrait photographer who specifically studies the feminine beauty of growth, change, and the taboo. Photographing everything from pleasure products, mundane daily routines, and reflecting on adolescence as a young femme. When she’s not shooting, she is probably neck deep somewhere blogging or podcasting about Sex Ed. 

Iris has been in the game for a few years now, earning certifications and completing trainings on all of our fun products.

Iris has a juicy passion of educating others in any way that involves sexual health and overall self love journeys. 

Combing picture taking and knowledge in this field, step into Iris’s bubble and explore her stories and tips just for you <3 




PRODUCT REVIEW: Fun Factory Period Cup