5 Obvious Signs Of A One-Sided Relationship And How To Fix It

A one-sided relationship is, well, one-sided. Here, one partner always does the most while the other does little to nothing to show how much they love their partner.


Sometimes, women stay in one-sided relationships for far too long because they are blinded by love. It's normal to want to do everything for someone you love to make them happy. But then, it's pretty disheartening when you always show up for them, and they don't even do the bare minimum for you.


People find comfort and guidance in relationships because life challenges can become more manageable when two heads come together as one. I mean, what's the use of being in a relationship when you can't share your happy and sad moments?


And I know, sometimes your partner might experience some difficulties that will impact his ability to contribute equally in your life, that's understandable. But when you're regularly contributing, and he does little to nothing without any reason, then that's a huge problem.



Signs You're In A One-Sided Relationship

Every relationship is different. People with different personalities and wants fall in love and still make it work. The secret is finding a balance. 

A healthy relationship is all about balance, find what works for you and your partner, and you're good to go. 

But suppose he doesn't provide financial and emotional support together with other signs that have made you question the relationship and your self-worth. In that case, the relationship is not balanced at all.



1. You Always Initiate Communication 

This is the most obvious sign you're in a one-sided relationship. If you're constantly texting first, calling first, asking how his day is going and making an attempt to see each other every other time, then it's obvious he doesn't care about you like that.

You initiate conversations because you know he can go days without talking to you. If you complain about this nonchalant behaviour, he downplays it as if you exaggerated your efforts or probably lied. This will leave you feeling unloved and feeling like you're doing too much. It's a sign; don't overlook it.


2. He Never Reciprocates

You try to do everything for him, prepare his dinner, buy him gifts, do all those little things that make a relationship more substantial, but you rarely receive something as small as a thank you. He doesn't return the favour and hardly appreciates your efforts. I don't know what you're waiting for; that relationship is dead to me.

Look, love entails more than just doing things for each other, but when he makes it quite apparent that love isn't something he wishes to pursue, leave him.

Some men will try to justify their actions by giving you flimsy excuses like he's preoccupied with work or has too much on his plate. But he never hesitates to ask you for favours because he knows you love him too much and would do anything for him. I guess it's time to rethink that relationship.



3. You are not a Priority

This is one of the most painful signs you're in a one-sided relationship. It's heartbreaking when you prioritize your partner, but he prefers to put his friends, co-workers and even something as worthless as his PS5 before you. That says a lot. 

If a man doesn't put you, your feelings and your wellbeing before certain things in his life, know he's not worthy of your love. 

In a healthy relationship, you don't ask to be a priority. Your partner does it without asking because he loves and cares about you. But when you're constantly making efforts to fit into his schedule, know it's time to dust your feet and leave.



4. He Ignores Relationship Problems

When you're constantly trying to fix things, make efforts and try as much as possible to make the relationship work with little to no effort from his side, it's a sign. 

He ignores the problem, gaslights you when you bring it up and brushes matters off like it's nothing. Think about your emotional and mental health. You deserve better.



5. He doesn't care about you

I always tell women to trust their gut feeling. When you feel he doesn't care about you, it simply means he doesn't. Period. It's as simple as that.

If you're in a one-sided relationship, you will know he doesn't care about you, your feelings, daily activities and your wellbeing the moment you question his stance. 

A genuine partner would want to know how your day went and regularly check up on you. If you're getting the opposite, you have to sit your ass down and rethink that relationship. Who needs a man who doesn't care about them anyway?


These are other signs of a one-sided relationship:

●      You find yourself apologizing even when he's wrong.

●      You lack a social life.

●      You always justify his behaviour in front of your friends and family.

●      You develop low self-esteem due to wondering why he doesn't care about you as you do.



How To Fix It

Relationships are two-sided, it's a give and take kinda game, but when you're constantly giving without getting the same energy in return, then it becomes one-sided.

First of all, communicate with him, tell him how you feel about his behaviour towards you. If the change isn't forthcoming, then take a walk. 

I know it's going to be hard on you; you deserve the best. You deserve a man with the same level of commitment and investment as you. End the relationship and leave his half baked ass. A man that knows your worth won't let you question your relationship with him.

Some of us aren't just compatible, and compatibility matters in a relationship. When he meets the woman of his dreams, he will do all these and many more for her, and when you meet yours, you won't beg for the bare minimum.

Let me tell you a secret. You won't meet the right man as long as you're holding onto the wrong man. In the meantime, embrace our sex toys; they will never break your heart.



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